List Poem: The Raven House

Every day,
The house across the street stands,
Its name engraved atop its gutters
That are adorned with statues of black birds
“The Raven House.”

During childhood,
I ask my parents who lives in that house
They say its a group of old witches
But I’ve never seen anyone walk in or out

During winter,
The plastic skeleton hangs in their yard
Propped up against the snow-filled cauldron
Wearing a santa hat

During spring,
The skeleton wears bunny ears
The color of gaudy flamingoes
To get into the Easter spirit

During summer,
I tell myself
That the ghost I see peeking out of the attic is just a mannequin
When I walk past the house on the way to the park

During fall,
The skeleton is at his prime
His frontal bone perked up in eagerness
Feeling the autumn air whistle through his ribs

During October,
I read in the newspaper about the witches across the street
How visitors pay to sleep over for a séance
But never stay the entire night

During Halloween,
Even trick-or-treaters pass the house by
Fearing the ghost in the attic

That peeks out with red eyes


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