Sound Poem

Swan Lake Pas de Deux

We razor our legs smooth even when a nick raises blood like carbonated bubbles

We spread hot wax

Dripping between our eyes to rip away at our brows, even when it hurts

We ignore our eyes watering

We ignore our skin, pink and fresh, screaming

We wonder if this pursuit of beauty blurs our aspirations

If we see no future in getting older, why pursue anything else besides beauty?

Why pursue anything else besides beauty?

Why pursue anything else besides beauty?

Sorry, no time to answer that question

I need to get ready

The bathroom turns into a warzone where women want for perfection

They emerge from a porcelain tiled cocoon, shiny and smooth

After germinating in a coating of self loathing

All for an hour of partying and staring

From a guy whose idea of getting ready

Is waking up from his nap


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